Neueste Highlights
The Largest Patent Prosecution Firms in China
It’s no secret that China is a powerhouse when it comes to patent filing activities. According to IP Pilot data from 2019 through 2023, China alone saw 13,754,802 patent applications represented by 1000 firms. That’s an average of 137,548 patent applications per firm.
Exploring the New IP Pilot Interface
The updated IP Pilot interface represents a significant leap forward in terms of usability and functionality. From the color-coded navigation to the enhanced search capabilities, every aspect of the platform has been designed with the user in mind.
The Largest Patent Prosecution Firms in Italy
Between 2019 and 2023, top patent prosecution firms in Italy filed 85,451 patent applications. These filings were represented by 168 firms.
Product Updates and Features Explained
Suchgeschwindigkeit jetzt in einer anderen Dimension
Analyzing millions of patent data points is heavy on IT infrastructure. In the past, it took considerable time to get results in our search feature when running complex and [..]
Patent case exchange between countries
We have built a little tool to investigate the volume of patent cases exchanged between any combination of two countries. It reveals how important the work from one country is for all other countries. [..]
EP-Validierungen jetzt verfügbar in Patent-Pilot
12.12.2019, In den letzten Monaten haben wir intensiv an der Integration von Informationen zu EP-Validierungen gearbeitet. Benutzer können jetzt für …