Australiens größte Patentkanzleien
2018/12/10. The Largest Australian Patent Law Firms Which patent law firms are most active in Australia? What are typical filing strategies and how [...]
2018/12/10. The Largest Australian Patent Law Firms Which patent law firms are most active in Australia? What are typical filing strategies and how [...]
Among the 353 patent in Great Britain, the top 15 including Dehns, Marks & Clerk, Mewburn Ellis, and HGF stood out prominently. These associated were responsible for prosecuting 59% of the total patent applications.
South Korea recorded a total of 948 representatives engaged in handling over 1,025,688 patent applications between 2018 and 2022. KIM & CHANG, Y.P.LEE, MOCK & PARTNERS and YOU ME PATENT AND LAW FIRM were consistently the 3 largest patent law firms.
Between 2018 and 2022, 250 firms representing 187,827 applications. The 25 largest associates, including De Penning & De Penning, Remfry & Sagar, & K&S Partners, alone prosecuted 83% of the total volume (156,118 applications).
Wer sind die größten US-Patentanwaltskanzleien? Wie unterscheiden Sie sich bei Patentanmeldestrategien und Mandantenstruktur? Diese Analyse untersucht Zahlen zu Patentanmeldungen ...
Between 2018 and 2022, The 3 top patent prosecution firms in China - UNITALEN, SCIHEAD IP GROUP, and CHOFN IP - represented more than 533,000 patent applications.
Brazilian patent filing representations are more concentrated and mostly helmed by the 20 largest patent prosecution firms whereas trademark filing representations are more disperse.
The top 20 IP law firms in Canada represented more than 69% of patent and trademark filings between 2018 and 2022. They include Gowling WLG, Smart & Biggar, Berskin and Parr, Robic, and Borden Ladner Gervais.
The latest version of the report is available here. See IP Pilot in Action! ...
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